Book Description 

Meg Williams. Maggie Littleton. Melody Wilde. Different names for the same person, depending on the town, depending on the job. She’s a con artist who erases herself to become whoever you need her to be—a college student. A life coach. A real estate agent. Nothing about her is real. She slides alongside you and tells you exactly what you need to hear, and by the time she’s done, you’ve likely lost everything.

Kat Roberts has been waiting ten years for the woman who upended her life to return. And now that she has, Kat is determined to be the one to expose her. But as the two women grow closer, Kat’s long-held assumptions begin to crumble, leaving Kat to wonder who Meg’s true target is.

The Lies I Tell is a twisted domestic thriller that dives deep into the psyches and motivations of two women and their unwavering quest to seek justice for the past and rewrite the future.

My Review 

Kat hopes to solidify her journalistic career with Meg’s story, so she does what any reasonable person would do: cozies up to the subject of her expose to gather more information. Meanwhile, Meg has returned to California to seek revenge against someone from her past who ruined her life. She’s perfected her skills over the past decade and she is going to absolutely destroy her target. 

I don’t read a lot of thrillers or suspense novels, but the premise of this book intrigued me: the con artist and the woman determined to finally catch the con artist after years of waiting. The dual points of view shifted fairly often, keeping me on my metaphorical toes as I wondered who knew what and when. 

There were several plot twists that I didn’t see coming, which is something I always appreciate because I’m usually pretty good at guessing what’s going to happen next. The “cat and mouse” game kept me intrigued throughout the narrative as I went back and forth between wanting Kat to get her big story and Meg to succeed in her quest for revenge. 

I would absolutely recommend The Lies I Tell. I’m going to keep an eye out for more books by Clark in the future. 

I received a digital ARC of this book from Sourcebooks/NetGalley 

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